Java Artifact Archetype
This is the Java artifact archetype used by the organization.
It is configured to use the Trajano organizational POM as the parent which provides it organizational standards including the use of the cleanpom-maven-plugin to keep the POM standardized and sets up the basis for the Maven site reports.
It has the following features:
- Depends on JUnit to provide the test framework.
- Builds an OSGi compliant bundle
- Bullds -sources, -javadoc, -test, and -test-sources artifacts
- Uses Jacoco to perform code coverage
- Uses Checkstyle, PMD and FindBugs to do code analysis using the rules defined by the Trajano coding standards
- Activates m2e-codestyle-maven-plugin, Checkstyle, PMD and FindBugs while in Eclipse.
It contains a sample Java project that ensures the artifacts generated will not result in empty jars and pass coding standards.