Git Wagon Provider

This is a Wagon Provider for Git that works with GitHub Pages and works with multi-module projects.

Registering the plugin

The plugin can be registered as a dependency in the maven-site-plugin or as an extension for the project. It is recommended that the dependency approach is used to prevent polluting the maven namespace.


Git Usage

In the pom.xml the <distributionManagement>/<site> needs to be set as follows:

        <name>Trajano GitHub Pages</name>

The <id> to represent the authentication details in settings.xml.

The <name> can be any value.

For GitHub Pages the project URL should be prefixed with github:. If the host is not in the subdomain, a CNAME lookup will be performed to determine the GitHub user name.

For generic git repositories, the <url> must start with git: and end with a #. The branch name must also be specified between the ? and # characters. The # at the end is required to prevent additional characters that will be appended by Maven to be considered as part of the original URL.

Protected private keys

If you are using a passphrase to protect your private key, then in settings.xml, then should be a <server> definition with the <id> corresponding to the <distributionManagement><site><id> without the <user> for example:


If you’re not protecting your private key, then no additional changes are needed in settings.xml

Module and parent references

At the moment if you are referencing the parent project or modules, using the following in the site.xml file.

<menu ref="parent" inherit="top" />
<menu ref="modules" inherit="top" />

The problem is a broken implementation of the path logic done by the doxia-integation-tools from Maven. A bug and patch has been provided by Archimedes Trajano called MSITE-709 to resolve the issue. For those that need the fix immediately, an alternative doxia-integration-tools has been made available and can be added as a dependency to the site plugin or as a build extension.
